Three Colors: Blue

199316+94 min8.0/10

After a beautiful young woman's daughter and renowned composer-husband are killed in a car crash, she tries to cope with her losses by cutting off all ties to the past. Meanwhile, the music world searches for her late husband's unfinished symphony and a music critic suspects that the wife is the work's true author.


Regissör:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Medverkande:Florence Pernel, Benoît Régent, Yann Tregouet, Juliette Binoche, Emmanuelle Riva, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Alain Decaux, Florence Vignon, Charlotte Véry, Philippe Volter, Hélène Vincent, Julie Delpy, Hugues Quester

Produktionsland:Frankrike, Polen, Schweiz


Tillagd till HBO Max:14-12-2022

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