You Are Wanted

201813+2 säsonger

In Season 2, a new nightmare begins for Lukas Franke. He loses his memory and control of Burning Man, a classified data collection program that everyone from intelligence agencies to international criminals, hackers and activists want to get their hands on. As a result, Lukas is forced on the run, his only chance at survival is retrieving Burning Man, the world’s most powerful cyber weapon.

Genrer:Drama, Spänning

Medverkande:マティアス・シュヴァイクヘーファー, アレクサンドラ・マリア・ララ, ミヒャエル・ランデス, ジェシカ・シュヴァルツ, ハンナ・フックストラ


Ny säsong tillagd:29-9-2021

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