Stranger From Venus - Starring Patricia Neal in a Sci-Fi Rarity

195413+75 min

A rarely seen Sci-Fi film...Stranger from Venus (a.k.a. Immediate Disaster and The Venusian) is the story of a woman (Patricia Neal) who meets a stranger (Helmut Dantine) with no pulse who has the power of life and death at his touch. He is here from Venus to warn Earth about the atom. A basic plot line similar to the classic "The Day The Earth Stood Still" which also featured Patricia Neal.

Genrer:Drama, Science fiction, Spänning

Regissör:Burt Balaban

Medverkande:Patricia Neal, Helmut Dantine, Derek Bond, Cyril Luckham, Willoughby Gray, Marigold Russell


Tillagd till Amazon Prime Video:2-1-2021

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