Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens

201613+85 min3.7/10

Five years after the wave of sharknados that wracked the east coast, our heroes are living a quiet life in the middle of the country – as far away from sharks as possible. But when a freak sand sharknado hits Vegas, Fin is thrown back into action, fighting sharknados on a cross-country race to save his family and the world – as all mankind should know by now, there is no escaping...

Genrer:Action, Science fiction, Skräck

Regissör:Anthony C. Ferrante

Medverkande:Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, David Hasselhoff, Gary Busey, Tommy Davidson, Cody Linley, Imani Hakim



Tillagd till Amazon Prime Video:2-1-2021

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