Lost Einstein

2018ALLA48 min

Lost Einstein is about Doomsday. A black hole is approaching our earth in 500yrs which will wipe out the complete solar system. A young kid - Santhosh shows extraordinary Intelligence and Worlds Top physicists and Scientists give him a name - Young Einstein. He grows up developing a theory of harnessing gravity. It is the only hope everyone has for saving earth from coming Doomsday.

Genrer:Drama, Internationellt, Science fiction

Regissör:Pannu Gande

Medverkande:Appaji Ambarisha Darbha, Chandu Prasad, Mahesh Pavan Yadlapalli, Hetesha V Korwar, Kiran Kumar, Shanthi Ammulu


Tillagd till Amazon Prime Video:12-7-2021

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