13:14. The Challenge of Helping

202216+89 min4.3/10

Juanpa Zurita is a young social influencer who used his platform to help raise funds for the reconstruction of Ocuilan; a small town near Mexico City that was left devastated after an earthquake shook the city at 13:14pm on September 19, 2017. While his intentions were good, his journey also led him to face the ultimate test of resilience.


Regissör:Santiago Fabregas

Medverkande:Juanpa Zurita, Eugenio Derbez, Pambo, Carlos ‘Cha’ Zedillo, Ana Brenda Contreras, Gustavo Adolfo Infante, Pascal Beltrán del Río, Danna Paola, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Sofía Niño de Rivera, Luisito Comunica, Francesco Piazzesi, Mikel Muñoz


Tillagd till Amazon Prime Video:16-9-2022

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